Wednesday 23 January 2013

First day of school.

Over the last few days I had meetings with various places such as the local council, bank, language centre and school, as well as attending my first Rotary meeting at my host club, the Rotary Club of Viborg-Asmild. I had a great afternoon shopping with my first host sister Natalie yesterday, as she showed me which are the good shops in Viborg and helped me to figure out how to pay in Danish Kroner. I learnt that trying on clothes can be quite difficult when you are wearing almost a million layers of clothing!

I introduced my counsellor and her family to Vegemite yesterday, and to my surprise they liked it!

It has not been above 0 degrees yet since I have been here! But I am loving the snow. Waking up and looking out the window to see snow falling is an amazing sight! I don't understand how so many people can still use their bike as their main mode of transport, go for runs and take their dogs for walks through the snow when it is this cold!

Today was my first day of school at Viborg Katedralskole. My school is over 900 years old! All classrooms are in the one 5-level building, connected by a number of corridors and staircases. It was a strange feeling starting school in the dark at 8am! I started by going to the office where I was presented with a massive stack of books for my subjects, and told that today was the last time they would speak English to me!

I have been put into the social sciences line which means my subjects include Danish, English, Spanish, social studies, ancient history, religion, psychology, geography, history and sport. My class was very welcoming and the people seem great! I am in the class 2C, we all move from room to room together for our subjects and had lunch together in the cafeteria. It was difficult not understanding any of the lessons, what the teacher was saying and most of the time what everyone was saying as it was all in Danish. School is much more relaxed in Denmark compared to Australia and is almost more university-like, with calling the teachers by first names, no rules about what to wear or how you are to take notes in class and minimal rules about everything else, you only show up to school for your class and timetables are online and change each week. It is definitely going to take some getting used to! I was quite tired by the time the school day ended at 1.35pm.

Although the first day was quite tiring, I am looking forward to Day 2 tomorrow!

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